Tag this site


http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php?pub=8CMHJ3SGDUY5ZDWA&url='+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'&title='+encodeURIComponent(document.title), 'addthis', 'scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,width=620,height=520,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no'); return false;" title="Bookmark using any bookmark manager!" target="_blank">AddThis Social Bookmark Button





If you like what you see, and you wonder how you can help...there are many different ways in which you can help me get this website off the ground.





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Bookmark this site online

At the bottom of each page of my website, there are some online bookmarking links. (delicious, digg, etc.) Please click on each of them and add us to these directories.




Delicious http://del.icio.us/

This is the most important recommendation that you could give me. If your going to do one thing to help promote Yous Travelers, please add us to your delicious account.


If you're not familiar with the service, Delicious is an online "favorites" or "tagging" service. Its free to use, and is very useful. How does it work? If you are surfing the net, and you come across a site that you would like to remember later, you could either save it to your favorites on your computer, or you could also save it to your favorites on the net. Its that simple.


But, what is the advantage to saving it online? Well, there is an option to either keep your recommendations private, or you can share your recommendations with the world. Its the SHARING option that is soooo nice. Rather than doing a google search for a particular site (such as Travel-related), you might want to look and see what other people say are their favorite sites. If you find that 100,000 people all say that Yous Travelers is their favorite website, you would probably want to visit. If no one saves Yous Travelers as their favorite, then you probably would not.


Stumble Upon http://www.stumbleupon.com/

In addition to the buttons at the bottom of each page, there are other ways you could help us spread the word about You's Travelers. One of my all time favorite viral marketing sites is http://www.stumbleupon.com/ . Lets say that you were interested in finding "Travel-related" sites, and you only wanted to find cool sites that other people also really liked. You could click the "Stumble" button, and it would randomly take you to various travel-related sites. If it took you to a site you liked, you would give it a thumbs up, and it would remember that. If, however, it took you to a site you didnt like (thumbs down), and it would remmber that as well. Over time, it would rembember what you liked and it would narrow in on cool site just for you. I think you will see how nice this site is, and how much I would like all of my YOUS TRAVELERS to give me a "thumbs up



Digg, and others http://www.digg.com/about

all of these other buttons work in essentially the same manner. These sites (such as delicious, and digg) are services that many people are using to tell other people about what they like and dislike on the internet. Think of them like a community "Favorites" button. When you click on them, you basically tell other people that you like this site.


Leaptag http://www.leaptag.com/

LeapTag is part bookmarking (like del.icio.us) and part discovery (like StumbleUpon). It’s a good way to keep track of websites that you like using tags, and it’s also useful for serendipitous discovery of new sites you might like, based on the things you’ve already bookmarked. Usage occurs through the browser via an IE or Firefox plugin There’s a sidebar that lists each of the tags and associated bookmarks. You can easily skim through tags to find your bookmarks (although it is slower and less organized than Del.icio.us via their Firefox plugin). Frankly, if all you want is a bookmark manager, this is not a good choice. Like StumbleUpon, though, LeapTag will present new sites to you that you might find interesting. StumbleUpon asks users to vote on sites they visit, and then compares those up or down votes to the votes of others. By analyzing the vote streams of many users, StumbleUpon can throw you to a random site with a fair degree of confidence that you’ll like it. LeapTag does this as well, but suggests sites only when you click on a particular tag in the sidebar. When you do that, it shows you your bookmarks for that tag in the sidebar, and also shows you additional sites that you might find interesting. Results are delivered based on the voting patterns of you and other users, but isn’t limited to sites bookmarked with LeapTag. They also scour search engines and RSS feeds for additional content that might be relevant to the tag. If you want to see it visually before trying it, see this video of their presentation at the DEMO conference last year. I found it to be very useful for randomly discovering sites based on a descriptive tag. I bookmarked a few gaming sites and then looked at what it recommended. The results were good







Subscribe to our RSS feed

There is an RSS feed button at the bottom of each page.


What is an RSS feed?

RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication" and its a simple way of keeping up to date with changes on a website. If you click on the RSS button of kookyplan, for example, you will see all of the recent changes to the site. Pretty nice, eh?






Why subscribe to Yous Travelers RSS feed?

If you subscribe to the RSS feed, then you can get notified about changes to the site without even having to visit! This is the "syndication" part of RSS. It means that you will be notified of new features, and new articles.


How to subscribe to the RSS?

There are many ways, but the most simple : If you use Internet Explorer, then click on the Star Button in the upper left corner of the screen (FAVORITES), and click on RSS, and add.