Turkey - trade with the EU

see also:




Table of Contents:



European Union – Turkey Customs Union


The EU and Turkey are linked by a Customs Union agreement, which came in force on 31 December 1995, pursuant to the 1963 EU-Turkey Association Agreement, which aims at promoting trade and economic relations. The Customs Union is ambitious but does not cover essential economic areas, such as agriculture, to which bilateral trade concessions apply, services or public procurement.[1]



Turkey:  Other free trade agreements

 * see more on GloboTrends page: Turkey


"In addition to the Custom Union with the EU, Turkey has signed Free Trade Agreements with EFTA, Israel, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Tunisia, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Egypt, Georgia and Albania. [2]




International Trade data (Turkey):








see more in our page: Turkey




Links (external)








  1. http://ec.europa.eu/trade/creating-opportunities/bilateral-relations/countries/turkey/
  2. http://ec.europa.eu/trade/creating-opportunities/bilateral-relations/countries/turkey/